Epic winning! Post #5

Productive day!

Today we made the win condition, defeat condition and set up a life counter so it’s not game over instantly. The win condition was rather simple to implement as Fabian already made a counter for the bricks. So we simply set the global speed to zero and popped a “Victory” banner when the bricks reaches zero. As for the defeat condition it was a bit more complex than that, but it still went past somewhat fast. Instead of checking the amount of bricks left, it checked the ball’s Y-axis, and if it hit bottom we’d take the life int and remove 1 from it (it has 3 from the start). When it reaches zero it pops a defeat banner and sets the global speed to zero, just like the win condition.

Overall it felt like a really productive day, although we mindf**ked ourselves for a while. We managed to draw out the images for winning/losing but when we replaced the images for the ones we wanted (our test image was the Dell loading screen) it seemed like something was wrong. We couldn’t see the images, but there was no error. After a shamefully long time we realized the picture was set at too few pixels so it only showed the borders of the images, which are transparent. You see the problem.

Time to go. Tomorrow we’ll work on audio, hopefully.

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